

a photo of some building taken from the ground up
Do you know how much your capital spend is on latex paint per year for all your commercial properties? Most commercial building owners and property managers with significant portfolios spend anywhere from $500,000 to 3 million per year or more! With our full product line, we can save you anywhere from 25%-50% savings on latex paint.

It’s a given that paint is a fixed cost somewhere in your budget. So take advantage of the opportunity to cut costs without sacrificing quality. Visions Quality Coatings are premium quality, ensuring that painters cover surfaces properly in one pass, keeping your total painting work-hours down to a minimum.

In addition, our products can be counted as part of your Environmental Sustainability program. All of our latex coatings are GREEN products! Our blending process also consumes less water to produce one gallon of latex paint. The creation of virgin latex paint can take as much as 13 gallons of water to create one gallon of paint. Our process requires only one gallon of water to remanufacture one gallon of paint. That’s a savings of 12 gallons water for industrial use per gallon of end product!

Custom and Stock Colors – We provide you the color you want for your projects and buildings. Just let us know the color and sheen you want, and we will ship it directly to your job site.

Please see our complete line of products, colors, and sheens on our Products page.

Email us to become a distributor.